Distance | Value |
Driving distance: | 788.09 mi (1268.32 km) |
Line distance: | 580.86 mi (934.81 km) |
Road time between cities: | 13 hr 31 min |
Air distance: | 580.86 mi (934.81 km) |
Time to flight: | 1 hr 8 min |
Driving distance from Okanagan, British Columbia to Rosthern, Saskatchewan. There are five hundred and eighty-one miles between two cities on map, and seven hundred and eighty-eight miles by car. Time in road from Okanagan to Rosthern will take about 13 hours 31 minutes .
Country | Canada |
Province/Territory | British Columbia |
City | Okanagan |
GPS Coordinates | 50° 21' 50" N -119° 20' 60"W |
Latitude | 50.36386 |
Longitude | -119.34997 |
Country | Canada |
Province/Territory | Saskatchewan |
City | Rosthern |
GPS Coordinates | 52° 40' 0" N -106° 20' 4"W |
Latitude | 52.66679 |
Longitude | -106.33446 |
Mileage from Okanagan to Rosthern by road is 788.09 miles or 1268.32 km;
There is 580.86 miles (934.81 km) between Okanagan and Rosthern
The road time between two cities is approx 13 hours 31 minutes
Distance type | Miles | Kilometers | Nautical miles |
Straight line distance | 580.86 | 934.8 | 504.75 |
Driving distance | 788.09 | 1268.31 | 684.83 |
This table contains data about distance in miles, kilometers and nautical miles between Okanagan, BC and Rosthern, SK
This is the Okanagan Rosthern distance page, where you can find informational tables about road time, distance mileage, and other trip tips. We have answers to FAQ, so check them before travel. Fastest way to get Rosthern city is by plane, so we calculate flight time between Okanagan and Rosthern. And more info about reverse road trip from Rosthern to Okanagan. If you choose car trip, use route planner to see details for travelers From Okanagan to Rosthern.
Flying time is about 1 hours 8 minutes
Select arrival and departure cities, current are Okanagan, BC and Okanagan, SK
This flight will take about one hours eight minutes ;
You can buy ticket to plane or drive by car, check road distance between Rosthern and Okanagan
Aircraft | Cruising speed | Time |
Average | 510 mph | 1 hr 8 min |
Boeing 737 | 515 mph | 1 hr 7 min |
Boeing 777 | 554 mph | 1 hr 2 min |
Airbus | 515 mph | 1 hr 7 min |
Dont forget to add time in airport before and after flight.
Please note: current air time calculator show approximate distance and time between cities Okanagan, BC and Rosthern, SK. This values can be different if you flight from airports in this cities. Exact time can be calculated only when you buy ticket to the plane. We do not guarantee that there is an airline that connects cities Okanagan and Rosthern. To check if there is such a flight use the ticket purchase service.
Similar trips from Okanagan to other city in British Columbia
To calculate distance from Okanagan, BC to Rosthern, SK we use GPS coordinates of city centers. In this way we can find the shortest distance between two points by air and best road mileage. Total distance is actual and is frequently updated with google maps data. If you search for other tour, choose other destination in search form. Just select start and finish points, or click one of suggested city couples below. We hope you find all information with this calculator, so dont forget to bookmark this page or share to Facebook or Twitter, this will help you to get new voyage in future. Enjoy your trips with you friends! And be safe on roads.