Map of Canada and Canadian Provinces and Territories

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Canada-Map is a site created for Canadians, tourists and travelers. You can find detailed maps of Canada cities, maps of provinces and territories, as well as the islands that belong to Canada. Canada Map allows you to find distance between cities, as the best tourist directions and routes. This service will help to find a detailed map of cities in Canada, find streets and addresses in these cities. For convenience, we recommend you review the list of popular destinations in Canada. If you are looking for other interesting maps of Canada, we regularly add articles about interesting, useful and unusual maps of Canada.

Where is Canada?

Canada is located in Northern North America and numerous adjacent Islands along the West coast - Vancouver island, the Islands of Queen Charlotte; in the North - Canadian Arctic archipelago. The country occupies 2/5 of the territory of the continent. Canada is washed by the Atlantic, Pacific, North Arctic oceans. It is one of the most developed countries in the world, a permanent member of Great Seven. Canada is bordered to the South with the U.S., which is its largest economic partner. It has the largest land unguarded border in the world (the United States).

Provinces of Canada

Today Canada is an independent country that consists of 10 provinces and 3 territories. Province, where the population speaks French is Quebec. Residents of other provinces — English speaking. British Columbia (Victoria); Alberta (Edmonton); Saskatchewan (Regina); Manitoba (Winnipeg); Ontario (Toronto); Quebec (Quebec City); New Brunswick (Fredericton); Nova Scotia (Halifax); Prince Edward Island (Charlottetown); Newfoundland and Labrador (St. Johns); Yukon Territory (Whitehorse); Northwest Territory (Yellowknife); and Nunavut Territory (Iqaluit).

Short history of Canada

The first settlement of the state began in the 1000s by Norwegian Vikings. This attempt of colonization brought no results. They resumed only in the late 15th century, when Italian seafarer John Cabot had explored the Atlantic coast of North America for England. Already in 1524 Navigator Giovanni Verrazano with his team of researchers studied the East Bank of the future state of Canada for the French king. From the mid-16th century the territory of what is Canada, became the point of contact of many States. The main opposition new land took on France and England. France was the first country founded the colony. So at the beginning of the 17th century there were colonies of Quebec, Then Roald. The British in turn base on the island of Newfoundland city of St. Johns. In 1534 the Frenchman Jacques Cartier gives of the territory located in North America, called Canada. The country becomes a French colony. During the Franco-Iroquois wars in the XVII-XVIII centuries, and during the Seven years war in 1756-1763, many French provinces move to England. In 1867 created the dominion of Canada by uniting several colonies. In 1931 the Westminster status confirms that no UK law does not extend to Canada without its consent. In 1982, going on the repatriation of Canada from the UK.

Canada today

Canada is one of the most trading countries in the world. Since the beginning of the 20th century the main production of the state was moved from agriculture to industrial production. This contributed to the development of the mining and processing industry, development of oil and gas fields. Today, Canada is the largest exporter of wheat and other crops. The main consumers of goods, the United States, Britain, France. Today, Canada is one of the most important players on the world political arena. The state is one of the founders of the UN and NATO.


Canada is a country which ranks second in the world by area. It is located on the continent of North America. Canada is bordered by four oceans, bordered to the South by America, and also in the North-West with France and Denmark. In area, this country is 9976186 sq. km. Official languages are English and French. The population of Canada more than 30 million people. The country capital — Ottawa.

Money in Canada

Canadian dollars are not like the American currency. For example, green color in Canada only 20 dollar bills. "Five" are blue, "ten" is purple, and 50 dollars are red! It is important to know that US dollars, in Canada it is not everywhere accepted. If you use non-cash means of payment – checks and cards, problems should arise.

Weather in Canada

The climate in Canada varies greatly in different areas of the country. Somewhere is hot, somewhere cool, but in most areas the climate is cold (in winter) and rainy (in summer). For the most part of Canada is temperate, fairly mild, in the North - the subarctic. The average temperature in January is from -35 C in the North to +4 C in the South Pacific coast. The average July temperature is +21 C in the South and from -4 C to +4 C on the Islands of the Canadian Arctic archipelago.

Must Visit in Canada

On a detailed map of Canada you can see some of the sights: Charlottetown (Prince Edward island), Niagara falls, Ontario, Great lakes, Hudson Bay, Confederation bridge and the national parks of Banff and Kootenay. In this beautiful country there are many lakes and rivers. Almost all of the Canadian lakes are of glacial origin. The longest river is the Mackenzie, the total length of which is 4240 km. Canada is Known worldwide for its Niagara falls and the Great plains. It is recommended to visit the main cities of Canada: Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver, Montreal and Calgary. Worth a visit at the hockey game: Canada is known as the hockey capital of the world.